Whenever you want to visit us – you are more than welcome. The company location Grünsfeld is in the Northern part of Baden Württemberg between the cities of Heilbronn and Würzburg, nearby autobahn A81.
Simply use this link to the route planner or enter following address in your navigation system:
Waltersberg 8
D-97947 Grünsfeld
Grünsfeld is only few kilometres away from railway crosspoint Lauda. Simply use this link to “Deutsche Bahn” for planning your journey. Indicate LAUDA as destination station.
Of course we will pick you up at the station of Lauda. Simply give us a call at 0049 9346 9286-0.
If you want, we can also help you with travel planning or with the choice of a hotel.
Phone 0049 9346 9286-0.